Cami Park

Quick Fiction 15

In Confessional, Opinion, Prose on June 23, 2009 at 11:57 pm

Quick Fiction 15

The day Quick Fiction comes in the mail is a good day. I haven’t finished it yet, but this, from Andrew Michael Roberts’ The Inconspicuous Beginning of Our Disappearance, struck me as such an exquisite opening sentence in a microfiction work that I wanted to save it for always, and also share with anyone that happens to wander by here:  “This was the year they found owls wound in twine at the bases of burned-out trees and the river’s mouth stuffed with girls who’d kissed its mirror and drowned in their complicated names.” The rest of the sentences are pretty good, too.

Also, Andrea Kneeland’s The Practical Application of Beauty is just exactly that. I caught my breath.

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