Cami Park

Magic Helicopter Press: We Were Eternal and Gigantic, by Evelyn Hampton

In Fashion, Poetry, Prose on September 3, 2010 at 7:39 pm

He was huge but could not grasp himself.
Evelyn Hampton, from SAG: A SAGA

We Were Eternal and Gigantic, Evelyn Hampton

We Were Eternal and Gigantic, Evelyn Hampton‘s small collection of poetry and prose from Magic Helicopter Press, is a wonderful first read, but I’ve been over my copy several times, and each time find something new to appreciate and wonder over. Throughout the book, Hampton covers America’s money-obsessed culture, superficiality, capitalism, sexism and other heavy topics so lightly and effortlessly, you barely notice. In bill blass gave money a breezy look, she tells us, about Bill Blass: He designed a suit for the ways a woman could behave. A woman could walk quickly. A woman could sit sexy on her bare legs and still have some legs left over to run a business.  Somewhat devastating. Really charming.

There are 10 poems and 4 stories in this collection. The poetry tends to deal with larger, less personal issues, like money, sex, society, faith. Haircuts. The stories are more in depth, uniquely insightful about people and their relationships, effectively braiding image and occurrence together in a steady emotional progression. Cell fish, in particular, is especially moving, about a couple affected by illness.

Highly recommended. Many odd citrii.

  1. I found the bok fascinating. The phrases and sentences are jewels themselves; that they contain and convey something beyond themselves is magical.

  2. WWEAG deserves all the accolades it gets. Evelyn’s is a huge talent and it will be fascinating to see what she does with it in the future. This book is easily one of my top picks of 2010 so far.

  3. Oh, yeah. It was my first time reading her, and I was not disappointed.

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